在滨水滨江公园规划设计中,挖掘地道的“金凤栖水、塞上奇观”文化, 滨江公园通过抽象的手法引申出“折线”与“水波”形式作为场地造型的基调,创造生态的退台空间,结合城市生态立市,塞上湖城的城市定位,利用场地空间的落差,打造出一个有序列层次的空间体验界面,形成大气、连贯、视觉冲击力强的城市景观新形象。
银川Aiyi River河流滨水公园景观设计规划方案,立意于银川的发展和传统文化的结合,采用较为抽象的手法来表达主题设计理念。创造先进的设计体验及优越的城市形象,营造一条视觉享受和生态休闲的记忆性景观地标,把Aiyi River滨水景观公园打造成中国西北地区最具影响力的城市轴线。
Waterfront Park of Aiyi River中国银川河流滨水公园景观设计
Waterfront Park of Aiyi River中国银川河流滨水公园景观设计
Waterfront Park of Aiyi River中国银川河流滨水公园景观设计
植物景观通过将“银川-凤凰、金凤-栖水、湖滨-彩翼、塞上-奇观”的创意组合以及对凤凰特征的提取,具体以芦苇/香蒲、红柳为背景,形成以观赏草、千屈菜、丁香、蜀葵及菊科植物、马蔺等草本花卉观赏植物为主的野生花卉草甸景观(生态基底景观:芦苇/香蒲、红柳;观赏草景观:垂柳、蒲苇、晨光芒;千屈菜花带景观:新疆杨、红柳、千屈菜;丁香花景观:国槐、丁香、圆柏;蜀葵及菊科植物花带景观:栾树、桃花、蜀葵、波斯菊、金鸡菊、松果菊;马蔺花带景观:马蔺 ),最终形成“龟背、鱼尾、五彩色,形成散落在五彩色带上”的奇观。在毕路德看来,景观已不再是自然的再现或自然的艺术提炼,而更多的是带给观者自然的感受,需要一颗自然的心灵去体验去品味。
Waterfront Park of Aiyi River中国银川河流滨水公园景观设计
As a solution, the proposed design concept focused on three objectives: integrating the city's local features and character into design, putting an emphasis on ecology and a green approach by stressing low carbon consumption, and providing and caring for human needs. The concept aims to produce a wonderland-like experience by featuring breathtaking green mountains and clear rivers.
Waterfront Park of Aiyi River中国银川河流滨水公园景观设计
The area hosts the most influential urban axis in the Northwest part of China. Because of this exposure, a strong influence in the design is to present Yinchuan's charm and taste. An added bonus to the site is its dramatic level differences which are fully utilized to create spectacular urban spaces around the central part of the city.
Waterfront Park of Aiyi River中国银川河流滨水公园景观设计
The distance between the city and the riverfront is considerable, challenging the designers to devise a way to close this gap. Designing pedestrian walkways in a serpentine, wave like pattern brings the city and the waterfront closer together at regular intervals. It also alludes to the fluid motion of the river and enhances the water experience as well as creating a more organic and natural experience by breaking the rigid landscape line. A vivid eco waterfront image is produced by creating a variety of spatial sequences overlooking the river.