Project Name: 纪念性景观—台湾混凝土纪念碑景观设计 Location: 台湾 Project Type: 纪念性景观设计 纪念碑景观设计 Key words: 纪念碑 建筑 景观 雕塑 公共空间 纪念碑 建筑 景观 雕塑 公共空间 绿地 纪念遗址 景观设计 纪念碑景观 纪念性景观 公共艺术 景观雕塑 纪念碑景观 景观 纪念性景观 All photos :©Abdiel Miranda 文字:zoscape |
随着现代社会的不断发展,现代纪念性景观在传统纪念性景观的基础上历经发展,其形式比传统的纪念性景观更具人性化,更能贴近大众,人们自然希望真正的感受从内心体验到纪念的情感,真正由内心向外展现出纪念欲望,人们与纪念对象 之间的平等对话便成为了现实。
建筑师 hung-yin yen 想通过这种独特的空间体验表达她对母亲深深的感激之情,纪念碑围绕“母与子”的主体设计建造。传统的闽南式陵墓被一个(Ω)形状的由前至后抬高脊状突起围绕着的;建筑师提取这一传统元素进行设计,开放的绳结抬升,像父母与子女,象征性的环绕上方空间后最终连接成一个连续的结构。由于纪念碑地处台湾, 空气悬浮盐类含量较高的沿海地区,建筑师使用了现浇抗硫酸盐混凝土防止气候侵蚀并获得持续性的雕塑形态。
In ode to his grandmother, architect hung-yin yen was requested by his mother to build a memorial. as an only child, she wished to express her profound gratitude through a unique spatial experience based around the theme of ‘mother and child’. with regards to the solemn reverence of the site in new taipei city, evoking this bond seemed appropriate with a soft, yet expressive structure he calls ‘journey’.
As the monument is located in a coastal area of taiwan with a higher concentration of air-borne salt, in-situ sulphate resistant concrete was used to prevent any weathering and to achieve a continuous finish. hidden by this extensive coating, a central steel tube also reduced the cross sectional area. a full scale polystyrene foam model was created in order to accurately fabricate the fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) concrete formwork. at the same time, the three-dimensional data provided the initial bending radii for the core alloy loop. the lower portion of the mold was assembled on site, and after minor adjustments, the steel tube and rebars were welded in place. once the metal components were completed, the upper portion was joined together to proceed with concrete pouring. after dismantling the formwork, pebble aggregate was used for the final finish on the floor.