ONE CENTER is located in the embrace of double parks with a volume of about 500,000 square meters, and the surrounding commercial, school and other supporting resources are perfect. It is a unique carrier of luxury residential property, which is truly away from the dust and not away from the city. GM LANDSCAPE is created with heart, integrating humanistic nature, quality life and vacation experience, making the way home a well-prepared trip.
入口空间 The entrance space
公园的植物与入口交相辉映 The park’s plants complement the entrance
波浪造型的超长植物景观 Wave-shaped ultra-long plant landscape
中庭会所的共享景观空间 Shared view of the clubhouse
雕塑的灵感来源于卷曲的落叶 The sculpture was inspired by the curling leaves
错落的屋顶花园,配置复合化空间场景 Rooftop garden configuration with various landscape spaces
充满品质感的度假享受 Holiday feeling full of quality
植物、水景、夹道,热带度假风情的连廊通道 Tropical resort style created by plants, water features and corridors
大量品质室外座椅“别有用心”的点缀在各个视野极佳的位置 Outdoor chairs are arranged in a location with a good view
通往屋顶泳池的阶梯 Steps to the rooftop pool
屋顶花园里的多功能无边泳池 Rooftop garden with multi-purpose pool
植物造景模拟度假酒店的手法 Plant design mimics the way of a resort hotel
池畔散步,感受百年榕树长成的城市天际线 Enjoy the unique scenery
穿行在榕树间,不同的归家之路 Banyan tree and home……
We reorganized the path network of the park, hoping to turn it into a stage for stories.
Because the height difference of the project causes the wall of the basement to be too high,the problem is solved by a water feature, thus the sound of water brings people back to nature and forget the hustle and bustle of the city.
一条惬意的归家路 A pleasant way home
更新后的城市公园 Renovation of city parks
项目名称 | 广州中海荔府示范区 | 项目地址 | 中国广州 | 项目单位/联系方式 | 游客,隐藏的内容**可见 | | 景观面积:17508.0㎡ |