Project Name:奥地利kagome柳树儿童乐园景观设计 Design:PPAG Project Type:城市广场景观规划设计,城市公共空间景观设计,景观设施设计 Key words: 柳树 儿童游乐场 Growing Structure 植物种植 维也纳 儿童游戏空间 博物馆广场 儿童场地 公共空间 游乐设施 儿童场地 游戏场地 活动空间 植物 游乐广场 |
奥地利工作室PPAG近日创作 了一个巨大的鸟笼——kagome(一首日本传统民谣——《笼中鸟》,是日本儿童玩游戏会唱的一首童谣)。kagome将作为奥地利维也纳的博物馆区中的一个儿童活动场地——由120株柳树苗构成球根状结构,通过弯曲植物并使用酒椰树纤维编织环固定。柳树高度是5米,树干直径是4厘米,种植在腐殖土之上,上层沙土下装有灌溉龙头。
According to PPAG architects, the MuseumsQuartier's request for a sandpit for children wasn't a big challenge as such. More detailed consideration however revealed that the task was not all that easy, alone with regard to sun protection. This led them to the idea of building a “living house”.
The walk-in (and play-in) willow object is made up of five-metre-long willow cuttings. These are rooted in a soil compartment and horizontally interwoven with one-year-old willow sticks. Willow leaves provide natural shading of the central sand area.
The green tent will be available again from April until autumn this year, for children to burrow, dig and shovel in the Kagome Sand Pit from 10 am to 8 pm.