Project Name:Amsterdam the Olympic Stadium Square 体育公园和广场景观改造规划设计 Location: Amsterdam Project Type: 广场景观设计 体育运动公园景观规划设计 Key words: Amsterdam the Olympic Stadium Square 体育公园 奥林匹克公园 体育场入口广场 广场设计 广场景观 广场景观设计 广场意向图 城市广场 广场水景 景观广场 城市绿地广场 广场设计 体育广场 体育广场 广场特色景观 入口广场 广场铺装 休闲广场 All photos :©LOLA Architects Text译:zoscape |
Amsterdam奥林匹克体育公园和体育广场的景观规划改造建设分三个部分:首先是SOD (Services-Oriented-Development)发展模式,通过规划设计综合体育中心大型公共服务设施带动地区发展,景观规划设计师让公园致力于发展体育、健康、教育、文化娱乐、创意产业和环境保护等领域。
再者,这是一个新的多功能体育公园广场。体育场广场及其建筑形成的生活系统,与周围的环境紧密结合。广场设计由一个可见的和可持续的供水系统联结起来。广场和公园项目的设施都利用了雨水,而且体育公园和广场用水全部来自周围的Vantuyll Vanserooskerk湿地公园水处理利用。中心广场设计了喷泉,其实是是一个巨大的广场水处理循环系统。
The Stadium Square is located in front of the entrance of the former Olympic Stadium of 1928. As former car parking it functions as a transitional space. On the city side there is the 1930-ies architecture of J.P. Berlage. And the Olympic Stadium and the Citroën garage buildings are early examples of the famous modernism of “De Stijl-movement” on the other side of the square.
In this historic context a new ensemble of two buildings is placed around a new multi-functional square. The Stadium Square and its buildings form a living system which is in every aspect linked to its surroundings. The square design consist of a visible and sustainable water system that also ties the various square and park programmes together. The rainwater will for instance be filtered in the Vantuyll Vanserooskerk Park. The central square element is a huge fountain which doubles as entrance to the parking as well as podium for events. Gullies in the square surface feed a central area around the fountain as surface runoff water retention in case of heavy rains.
The water system, the planting scheme and the furniture of the square are all supporting the idea of a multi-functional square: festivals and events all year round, a cooling city beach in the summer, an skate ring in the winter. The message is plain and simple: sustainability is common sense, playful and inviting.