
Ingameoff. LV0
As the earliest village with a population of 10,000 yuan in Shenzhen, Fishermen's Village is the starting point of reform and opening up and has witnessed the development of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. In 2019, in order to welcome the 40th anniversary of Shenzhen's reform and opening up, each district hopes to contribute some livelihood projects that reflect reform and opening up in this celebration. Under an opportunity, Luohu District found our team to be responsible for the transformation and optimization of Fishermen's Village.
Fishermen's Village is located in Nanhu Street, Luohu District, Shenzhen, adjacent to the busy Binhe Avenue. After in-depth understanding of the background and current situation of Fishermen's Village and full consideration of the lives and needs of residents, we aim to improve the livelihood issues of residents through simple and effective design techniques. The design goal is to add contemporary elements on the basis of retaining the historical sense of Fishermen's Village, integrate it into it in a light intervention way, provide residents with an ideal living and leisure place, and retain its original characteristics and texture to the greatest extent.
The first section is the optimization of the park at the entrance of the Fishermen's Village. This area is the transitional public space between the Fishermen's Village and the city, and is also the gateway to the Fishermen's Village; the second section is the cultural corridor, the village history museum and the central square public area; the last section is the Happy Vientiane Party and Mass Service Complex located behind the Fishermen's Village community and adjacent to the Shenzhen River. Renovation strategy: Regarding the renovation of the Fishermen's Village, the design method we adopted is to derive a natural "new community" along the special history, environment, and cultural context of the project.
With a very humble attitude. By minimizing the demolition and construction, using and processing the ground, paving, improving the use of the site, increasing sunshade and shading, and other relatively light landscape means to improve the quality of the site. Attach importance to the preservation of "old things", combine the original building structure with the new design, and create a community that is friendly to the natural environment.
The park at the entrance of the village is located in the triangle area where the main entrance and exit of the Fishermen's Village transitions to the urban interface, close to the main urban road and far away from the center of the community. The original park at the entrance of the village only had flat land and some tree pools. There was a height difference between the park ground and the surrounding sidewalks, making it inconvenient to pass. There were various facilities mixed in front of the park, and community residents rarely stayed there, and most of them reported a poor sense of place. The main focus of the renovation was to repair and update the damaged buildings and landscapes in the site to maintain their original state. In order to preserve the green plant characteristics and historical atmosphere of the park at the entrance of the village as much as possible, we mapped and measured dozens of trees in the park. At the same time, in order to strengthen the impression of the village entrance, under pressure from many parties, we insisted on retaining the big trees at the entrance of the village, restoring and preserving the original elements of the living scene, rather than completely clearing out the old objects on the site. Through reasonable planning, all the original trees were retained, allowing the park to be integrated into the green shade as a whole. The new plan is inspired by the "turtle back stone on the seashore", and the concept is reflected in the design of the curve, which provides an ideal environment for people to stop, rest and entertain through more softness and transition. The tree pool adopts a curved design, creating different changes through the slope. The newly added park landscape has become a landmark feature of the fishermen's village, in which the ribbon-shaped mirror stainless steel device is cleverly used. This material reflects the surrounding green environment, allowing more natural elements in the environment to be replicated and presented. At the same time, by adopting gentle slopes and curves, the park ground is seamlessly connected to the sidewalk, eliminating the height difference with the motor vehicle lane, creating a barrier-free environment and a soft landscape park.
We fully respect the historical evolution of the fishermen's village over the past 40 years and design the community space as an open display platform to show the historical traces of the village. Through design, residents and visitors can better understand the history of the fishermen's village and feel the cultural atmosphere of this community.
The historical corridor is a window for the fishermen's village to show its history and culture to urban visitors. It has undergone many improvements and renovations. In the design, we respect the existing history and regard the renovation as the superposition of tree rings rather than a complete subversion. While focusing on improving the environment, it can be continued and passed on. Due to the diversion of pedestrian and motor vehicle flow lines on the main roads of the fishermen's village, additional space is created. In these spaces, we specially set up convenient fitness areas to provide new activity venues for community residents. The Village History Museum is a community museum of the fishermen's village, displaying the history and culture of the village. It is connected to the historical corridor, forming the most significant area of ​​Fisherman Village culture and history. Through this continuous spatial layout, the inheritance and continuation of the cultural and historical elements of Fisherman Village are strengthened. The big tree at the entrance of the village in front of the Fisherman Village History Museum is also one of the green plant symbols in the area. In order to highlight its importance, we adopted a clever design method to create a circle of ripples centered on the tree by paving the ground to guide people to gather at this place.
Community Sharing:To ensure that the design meets the needs of residents, a satisfaction questionnaire survey was conducted, and more than 400 questionnaires were distributed. The design focuses on the quality of public space, fully activates scarce public space, and provides highly applicable and high-quality places. Contemporaneity: By using techniques suitable for contemporary aesthetics and functions, the renovation and new construction design are representative of the times. Weathering steel plates and wood grain materials are widely used in landscape and interior renovations to balance the contrast between new and old materials, and add contemporary diversity to the community environment with modern line shapes. The central square is located in the densely built area in the center of the village and is a place where villagers frequently gather. On the basis of retaining the original function of the cultural square, we added some facilities for people to rest. Flower beds and benches are set up around the central square to provide people with a place to rest; outdoor activity furniture is added on the large steps to facilitate outdoor activities. Facilities that were previously unsightly or inconvenient have been updated, such as the anti-fall canopy on the overhead floor and the stainless steel railings around the square. Through these improvements, the comfort and convenience of the central square have been improved. The large stage in the central square has been redesigned to make it easier to use while having a certain degree of identity. The style of the renovation is in harmony with the original building, and the integration of new and old elements has injected new vitality into the central square.
The Party and Mass Service Complex is located on the first and second floors of Xingfu Wanxiang. The layout and functions before the renovation were relatively simple. In the design, we integrated these four functional spaces into a complex, including the Party and Mass Service Center, the Community Library, the Community Health Center, and the Elderly Health Center. Through this integrated design, more comprehensive and convenient services are provided to the community. Facade Renovation In the renovation design of the facade, we used three suspended boxes as decorative elements to alleviate the seriousness of the appearance of the original Party and Mass Center in a way that adds vitality. This design strategy makes the facade of the building present more layers. In the renovation of the Party and Mass Service Center, we introduced the concept of "Citizen Cafe" to create a friendly environment and break the original serious atmosphere. By weakening the partitions and doors of the internal functional space, openness is increased. The first floor is the service hall, and the mezzanine is set up with multi-functional areas such as calligraphy and painting rooms, dance rooms and reading spaces. The center is open 24 hours a day, providing a different impression for community residents, transforming it into an institution that truly serves the community, abandoning the past sense of alienation. Becoming an institution that serves community residents, rather than a power institution. In view of the unique resident structure of the fishermen's village, we pay special attention to the use needs of the elderly and children in the design, and provide them with convenient and accessible community service spaces and facilities. Community Health Center: The community health center is located on the second floor of the Party and Mass Service Center complex. The original second-floor canopy was retained during the renovation to reduce material waste, provide a shelter function for the community health area and the second-floor terrace, and improve the air circulation flow of the medicine collection area. The interior design uses a lot of wood and green plants to create a relaxing atmosphere close to nature and break the sense of difference between indoor and outdoor. Yikang Center: On the other side of the second floor is the Yikang Center for the Elderly, which is equipped with a medical room for day care, a lunch break area, a chess and card area, and a restaurant canteen. The Yikang Center is connected to the medical room, making the entire space integrated, and medical staff can provide timely help and medical advice. The medical room is located on the south side of the building and has a balcony for users to enjoy the view of the Shenzhen River, bringing a relaxing effect.
The library in the complex is located on the first and second floors on the east side of the Party and Mass Service Complex and exists as an independent space. Before the renovation, the community only had a simple library that could not provide a focused and comfortable learning environment. After research and discussion with residents, we designed multiple partitions in the library. In order to meet the needs of the Fishermen's Village as a political and cultural community, we designed a stepped lecture hall at the entrance of the first floor of the Party and Mass Service Complex to provide a place for visitors to hold speeches and sharing sessions. Due to the proportion of children in the community, we designed the west side of the first floor of the library for children's reading, and paid attention to the scale, installations and furniture suitable for children. As a result, the library won the title of Shenzhen Child-Friendly Library. The second floor of the library has a self-study area, a reading area and an audio book reading area, providing users with a rich and diverse learning and reading experience.
Design Unit: Bureau Design
Area: 10000 m²
Project Time: 2020
Photographer: Bai Yu Chief Design Unit: Zhang Zhiyang Design Team: Zhang Zhiyang, Kuang Yuhao, Lian Wei, Wang Qi, Lu Dongdong, Chen Haoguang, Shi Jiajie Construction Firm: Jiangsu Zhongnan Construction Industry Group Co., Ltd. Client: Shenzhen Luohu District Government Investment Project Preliminary Work Office City: Shenzhen Country: China


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