Project Name:美国Lakewood花园式公墓陵园景观设计 Location: 美国 Project Type: 纪念性景观设计 花园式陵园 公墓陵园景观设计 Key words: 纪念 纪念性景观 历史纪念 历史纪念遗址 纪念遗址设计 公共空间 花园式陵园 陵园景观设计 公墓 公墓陵园 公墓陵园景观设计 花园式公墓 花园式公墓陵园 纪念性景观设计 景观设计 纪念空间设计 纪念环境景观设计 纪念性建筑设计
All photos :© Halvorson Design Partnership 文字/翻译zoscape |
Recognizing the value and importance of their landscape, in 2002, the Trustees of Lakewood commissioned a team led by landscape architects to produce a Historic Landscape Report and comprehensive Landscape Master Plan. Their goal was to define the most important features of the cemetery and to guide future management and development. The problem confronting historic cemeteries nation-wide: how to generate continued revenue without impairing the values of their beloved landscapes.
Lakewood花园式公墓陵园曾面临着一个挑战:如何在一个受人尊敬的地标式的环境中创造出一个具有纪念性的属于21世纪的空间。Lakewood花园式公墓陵园正好巧妙地、持久地、优雅地迎接了这个挑战。公墓陵园景观涵盖了朝南斜坡上三分之二的建筑,陵园建筑风格展现了一幅空旷的、和平的风景,伴着静静的倒影池、本地树木构成的小树林以及沉思的壁龛——鲜明的当代设计与公墓陵园的历史环境和谐地融为一体。 Working closely with the client, the landscape architect advised on the selection process for the architect and participated as a design team member from pre-design through completion. The result of this process is a profoundly integrated building and landscape design solution that transformed a deteriorated, “sunken” space, creating a poetic modern landscape offering solace and beauty in a setting rich with meaning.
A large central lawn anchors the space and accommodates Memorial Day events for upwards of 350 people. Comfortable, contemplative spaces have been designed around the perimeter for more intimate gatherings. Spectacular views to Lakewood Cemetery's chapel beyond have been preserved.