1 教程来源:digitaltutors官网商业视频资源【视频课程共50节,前面5节为Free with Demo ,大家可以去免费观看】
2 资源下载:全套视频教程+项目源文件 MAP/MAX/extures / Materials/PSD/
3 教程简介:从CAD到建模,渲染,PS后期全程演示,快速创建一个小建筑、照片级逼真效果图
3ds Max and V-Ray
Throughout these lessons we'll learn how to model a detailed architectural house from 2D CAD plans and optimize it for a fast and impressive presentation rendering. We'll go through the steps of modeling and rendering an architectural house in a way that makes it quick to create, easy to edit and fast to render.
We'll learn about the various modeling techniques essential to architectural workflows such as working with CAD plans, poly modeling of every building part including terrain modeling and high resolution landscaping.
By the end of this tutorial you will be able to work and think like an architect, model and render any building, and easily be able to complete your work within very short deadlines.