LG Headquarters Bamboo Garden总部竹园-竹子庭院景观设计
Bamboo Garden: LG Headquarters
A variety of lush bamboos filter light and frame views within the various garden rooms and fountains in this entry courtyard. The bamboos, ranging from 50-foot trees to groundcover species, form screens that surround granite benches and gathering areas. Located at the LG Research Center, the courtyard is the final design of four related interior and exterior courtyards.
位于韩国达德克的LG总部有个竹园庭院,在过滤灯和设计构图的视图冲击下,各种郁郁葱葱的竹子富有生机。这个入口庭院花园还有各种喷泉设施。 从50英尺的树木到花岗岩台阶上露天种植的竹子,形成了一个狭长的空间聚集区域。 竹园位于LG研究中心,这个竹园庭院是四个相关联庭院的最终设计方案成果。