Hancock Tower屋顶花园景观规划设计
Located on the 9th floor roof deck of the John Hancock Tower, this roof garden is conceived primarily as a green space for viewing. The composition of the green space is a planted network of variable heights, colors and textures. In such a demanding micro-climate and space; collaboration with many different groups has been crucial. Including, wind consultants, window washers, structural engineers and the architects.A ‘look-out’ deck has been designed which accommodates 50 people, providing incredible views throughout Boston and Cambridge.
这个屋顶花园位于约翰·汉考克塔(John Hancock Tower)的九楼屋顶上,这个屋顶花园主要构造一个可观赏的休闲绿地。 用一个灵活的设计感高度,颜色和纹理组成的植物种植网络, 形成了一个绿色空间。由于场地在一个苛刻的微气候和环境中; 与许多不同设计师的合作至关重要。 包括风力顾问,结构工程师和建筑师等。景观设计师 设计了一个大胆的“外观”甲板,可容纳50人,在波士顿都是难以看见的一番景象