B612_lyq 发表于 2017-9-5 20:18:20

Hing Hay Park融入中国传统设计的西雅图庆喜公园

配套方案文本下载 http://www.zoscape.com/thread-6842-1-1.html

SvR is teaming with Seattle Parks and Recreation, Friends of Hing Hay Park, and Chinese firm, Turenscape, to design the expansion of Hing Hay Park, the core plaza of Seattle’s Chinatown International District. SvR has led a deep collaboration with the multicultural community and city agencies. The 16,000 ft2 area doubles the size of the current park, providing needed urban public space for a growing Seattle downtown neighborhood. The design includes a large plaza, lighting, elegant grading, urban furniture, activity areas and integration with the historic park.
Rice terraces found all over Asia inspire topographic forms, building cultural placemaking and address grading challenges on the site. A key request of the community was for a cultural performance space, and this has grown into an iconic, adaptable stage defined by angled planes of perforated metal with cultural patterns developed by the community. Custom bleachers punctuate the terraces and provide micro-stages. Activity areas for all community members to enjoy include ping pong tables, seating, exercise machines and shade.


  西雅图庆喜公园设计以“城市戏台”为主题,融入了多种中国传统的红色设计元素来点缀公园。“城市戏台” 的设计形态,是顺应场地的竖向创造出一层层灵动的梯田为基本设计组件,每层流线的台地之间都将种植连续的野花野草带,并且运用剪纸形式的红盒楼梯连接著梯田,解决园区内垂直交通的问题。游客和用户在穿越这流线的空间之中,提供了灵活的开放空间、亲密的景观体验以及多元化的活动功能。


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