法国街头智能城市家具小品法国巴黎香榭丽舍大街上的一个智能绿色城市家具小品,该街头城市家具的设计上综合考量了人工智能,节能环保,雨水设计,植物设计,能让使用的每一个人都受益。法国街头智能城市家具小品这个 ...
法国巴黎香榭丽舍大街上的一个智能绿色城市家具小品,该街头城市家具的设计上综合考量了人工智能,节能环保,雨水设计,植物设计,能让使用的每一个人都受益。 这个街头城市家具可以遮挡阳光,为人们提供座椅,并提供高速的WIFI接入。其造型像由树桩托起的绿色花园。精心打磨的混凝土座椅配有插座和休息小台面,方便人们放手, 或者书,或者笔记本。 智能绿色城市家具小品是可以移动的,可以放置在城市任何可以放置的角落。 智能城市家具还为游客和居民配置了一个包含城市服务信息和指南的大触摸LED屏。 这款城市公共家具是一个将科技直接植入城市生活的先行者。 For his first urban development project, Mathieu Lehanneur devised a protective shelter with a plant covered roof, like 'A garden placed on a few tree trunks' and designed to be as attractive when viewed from the ground as from a balcony. The hard-wearing concrete swivel seats are equipped with plugs and have mini tables attached to rest an elbow, a book or a computer. A large touch screen provides updated information about services in the city: guides, news and augmented reality for tourists and visitors who are not online. Escale Numérique is a forerunner for a new range of urban architecture where virtual reality dictates the shape of what is real in order to live with even greater fluidity. |
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