
KRDSdesign LV0
This villa project overlooking the Caspian Sea (the world's largest lake) is located at the end of a villa complex in Royan city, Iran. The design of the project revolves around two goals: one is architectural: to try to utilize the vault facility that was heavily used by ancient Iranian architects; the other is to coexist harmoniously with the environment of the region.
For the first purpose, it seemed possible to utilize the facilities of materials and construction systems of the time in the design and construction of this structure. Today, with the advent of advanced reinforced concrete structures and opening up new possibilities for further new experiments, this complex adds a creative new perspective to the existing architectural works of vaults and domes.
Iranian architecture is characterized by both vaults and domes, and the double-shell dome can be considered the pinnacle of this type of structure. In this project, the architects proposed a new vault combination based on the premise of this vault structure composition, by cutting and rotating the vaults in the vertical direction and placing them on top of each other so that the load of each vault is supported by the lower vault, achieving a new vault combination of its kind and original.
In this new design, the load of the top vault is transferred first through the top of the lower vault and then to the wall. This type of load distribution was not present in the composition of the old vaults and was only possible with the use of steel beams. Moreover, it is visually readable and understandable, making the building go beyond mere aesthetic art.
And for the second purpose, in harmony with the northern climate, the building is oriented north and south to receive daylight and proper ventilation. The direction of air flow comes from the seaside, and the opposite openings are equipped with shutters to cool the air inside. The east and west sides are closed as much as possible, and the light and shadows of the sun moving on the vaults create temperature differences on both sides, which causes air flow around the building. Only the upper vaulted volume uses a mansard roof system, while the ground floor walls are made of cement. These materials are the same as those used in large quantities in the local area to cope with the harsh rainy weather.
Design: KRDS
Area: 440 m²
Project Time: 2023
Photographer: Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh
Lead Designer: Kourosh RafieyDesign Team: Mohsen Yazdian, Mahsa Elahi, Ehsan Dehghani, Shafagh Javidi, Mohammad Safi, Zahra Azami, Sana Rastegar, Pantea RafieyContractor: Morteza EskandariStructure: Navid AmiriArchitectural Design: KRDSHVAC: Sarmasaz Consulting GroupLighting Design: NoorsaformCity: NurCountry: Iran


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