2015-4-12 14:56
规划设计方案满足了老年人的住房需要。43公顷的区域范围被划分成三个部分:有松树林所处的沙丘带,一部分的扁平地带,还有落叶树林所处的丘陵带。这里有硕大的乔木,有历史文化价值的建筑,有鸟儿的栖息地,蝙蝠,蝴 ...
规划设计方案满足了老年人的住房需要。43公顷的区域范围被划分成三个部分:有松树林所处的沙丘带,一部分的扁平地带,还有落叶树林所处的丘陵带。这里有硕大的乔木,有历史文化价值的建筑,有鸟儿的栖息地,蝙蝠,蝴蝶,还有獾也在这里安了家。规划设计是要保持这里的景观结构及其生态品质。此外,规划设计考虑了车辆的可达性,在中间的区域规划设计了开敞的空间,为车辆行驶提供空间.其它的区域在规划设计上追溯了初始的概念。养老公寓处于中间的位置,规划设计采用了原始的以及新的养老(公寓)规划设计风格。步道的规划设计灵感源于原始的结构。新的养老公寓采用了对比鲜明且极简约的建筑风格,外墙采用天然石材整齐堆放,颜色与现有养老公寓一致。根据北侧区域的特点,规划设计了住房区配有草地,农家庭院,苗圃,墓园。在落叶树林处,低矮的森林小屋若隐若现。 In 1901, two medical mental institutions were founded for ‘Crazy women, men and neurotics, the St. Anna and the St Servatius. Both domains have developed into beautiful areas with valuable old pavilions over the last 100 years. The GGZ Noord- en Midden-Limburg is merging their psychiatric care with St. Servaashof. The former domain of St. Anna will become available as a residential park. In this assignment, the search has been for redevelopment of the area while meeting the wishes for profits and maintaining the core qualities. Apartments as well as free plots will be realized. The proposal meets the housing needs of seniors for self-buildhouses. The terrain of 43 hectares exists of three parts. One strip of sand dunes with pine forest, one flattened strip and one slightly hilly strip with deciduous forest. The area, with its monumental trees and cultural historically valuable buildings is a habitat for bats, birds butterflies and badgers. The planning concept is to clean up and maintain the landscape structure and its ecological qualities. On three sides, the area will be made accessible by car in such a way that the middle part will remain open and free of cars. Sub-areas have been developed which refer back to their original historical meaning. In the middle lies the central structure of pavilions with original and new pavilions (apartments). The design of the paths was inspired by the original structure. The new pavilions are build in a contrasting a minimalistic architectural style with facades of stacked natural stone in the same colour as the existing pavilions. The housing meadows, the farmyard, the nursery gardens and the graves have been fitted into the north part. In the deciduous forest, there is room for low forest houses. |