四川泸州两江四岸滨水滨江景观规划设计-总平面图中国,离不开长江;四川,离不开沱江;泸州,离不开这两江。正是这两江交汇,成就了泸州的物华天宝,人杰地灵。“肘江负山,枕带双流”,山、水、城、林相因相借,风 ...
四川泸州两江四岸滨水滨江景观规划设计-总平面图 中国,离不开长江;四川,离不开沱江;泸州,离不开这两江。正是这两江交汇,成就了泸州的物华天宝,人杰地灵。“肘江负山,枕带双流”,山、水、城、林相因相借,风光秀丽是泸州的真实显照。然而,由于在城市化进程中缺乏战略统筹,城市滨水空间正被滨江快速交通、单调的水利工程、蔓延的住宅开发所割裂和破坏,公共活力和城市风貌形象渐失。 四川泸州两江四岸滨水滨江景观规划设计-东南节点鸟瞰图 两江四岸滨水滨江占地约76平方公里的两江四岸地区(长江和沱江主城段)作为泸州城市发展、联系外部和城市公共生活的舞台,战略地位之重要不言而喻。规划站在四省交汇战略高度,将其打造成“川贵滇黔黄金地,两江四岸会客厅”,巧借山水之势,用“两江四岸”滨水设计来引领控制城市未来发展,虽为人作,宛自天开。 四川泸州两江四岸滨水滨江景观规划设计-西岸节点鸟瞰图 在两江四岸滨水滨江景观规划设计中,主要从以下五方面重点打造:(1)主题鲜明的滨水空间;(2)多层次的滨江可达性;(3)塑造滨水公共场所(4)多样化的生态和景观堤岸(5)城市名片的打造。“两江气吞城,四岸展雄风”,我们相信,在不远的将来,一座充满时尚国际气息又富有地域文化特色的城市将展现在我们面前。 四川泸州两江四岸滨水滨江景观规划设计-节点鸟瞰图 China, is inseparable from the Yangtze River; Sichuan, inseparable from the Tuojiang River; Luzhou, cannot be separated from these two rivers. The two rivers converge which endows Luzhou with abundance of natural resources and groups of outstanding people in history. Here, water, mountain and city depend on and compliment with each other in a harmonious way. However, as there is no strategic planning during its urbanization process, the waterfront space is being destroyed and eaten away by highways, water conservancy projects and rampant residential development. The city is losing its public vitality and picturesque image. 四川泸州两江四岸滨水滨江景观规划设计-鸟瞰图 The waterfront area, which covers 76 square kilometers(Yangtze River and Tuo River), is very important strategically not only because of its role in driving Luzhou’s development and connecting the city with outside world, but also because it is the platform for public activity. We endeavor to create a golden piece of land that connects Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan from a strategic height. By taking advantage of its landscape resources, we introduce an utter-new waterfront design to guide its future urban development that looks so natural although it is man-made. |