荷兰 Floraliën园艺博览园花卉园林植物展荷兰 Floraliën是一个每五年一届的花卉植物展示会,过去200年间由Gentse Floraliën在比利时举行。除了在瓦伦西亚和赫努阿也有举办外,这是Floraliën在首次在荷兰亮相。荷 ...
荷兰 Floraliën是一个每五年一届的花卉植物展示会,过去200年间由Gentse Floraliën在比利时举行。除了在瓦伦西亚和赫努阿也有举办外,这是Floraliën在首次在荷兰亮相。荷兰 Floraliën在今年五月九日到十八日荷兰斯海尔托亨博斯举行。这是一个室内花卉展览,总面积有四万平方米。尼克诺森是本展览会的首席设计师。 展览会上六个大厅每个有不同的主题。每个大厅种满了特有的花卉、树木、水果和蔬菜,让前来参观的游客和专家一饱眼福。进入国际馆后,参观者能一览盛开的杜鹃花,这些杜鹃花由比利时具有多年的现场经验专家布置而成。另一个吸引人的是在展览会上组织的荷兰插花比赛。另外,绿色城市馆也备受好评,受到市民平均评分8.7。在城市公园展馆中布满了由Jacqueline van der Kloet设计的花境,这一花境在本次展览会上获得了金奖。本届Floraliën获得了圆满的成功,在将来值得再次举办。 荷兰 Floraliën园艺博览园园内建有大型的地下停车场与室外社会停车场,为旅行团和自驾车游客提供无限便利。 荷兰 Floraliën园博园以园林、园艺、建筑艺术的观光旅游为主,同时结合展览业及太阳能并网发电及其科普教育,为游客提供了多种的参观项目。 园博园园区内提供导游、广播、咨询、观光电瓶车、纪念品销售、大众文化活动、表演等服务,同时,在东区花卉一条街,更有美食一条街及购物一条街,游客尽可享受“一条龙”式的尊贵服务。 园博园既适宜品味赏玩,又适宜郊游参观、学习考察,更可来呼吸清新空气、回归自然、修心养性、强身健体。这是高楼林立城市中的世外桃源,正应了“自然·家园·美好未来”的公园主题。 Netherlands Floraliën is a quinquennial flower plant exhibitions over the past 200 years by the Gentse Floraliën held in Belgium. In addition to Valencia and He Nua also held outside, this is the first time in the Netherlands Floraliën debut. Netherlands Floraliën this year May 9 to 18, held Hertogenbosch Tuohengbosi. This is an indoor flower show, the total area of forty thousand square meters. Nick Innocent is the chief designer of the exhibition. Six exhibition halls each with a different theme. Each hall full of unique flowers, trees, fruits and vegetables, so that tourists come to visit and experts are spoiled for choice. After entering the international pavilion, visitors can glance blooming azaleas, rhododendrons field experience of these experts with years of arranged by the Belgian made. Another attraction is the exhibition organized in the Netherlands flower arrangement competition. In addition, the Green City Hall is also highly regarded by the public average score 8.7. Covered by Jacqueline van der Kloet design flower border in the city park pavilion, the flower border in this exhibition won a gold medal. Floraliën this was a complete success, it is worth held again in the future. |
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