这个位于海莱姆市的私家花园是一个特点鲜明的主题花园。前花园强调其蓝色花卉的排列,并采用几抹红色作为点缀。一年当中,只有冬季除外,整个花园都会披上悠悠蓝色的魅影。春天,蓝色和紫色的郁金香,葱属球根,鸢尾 ...
梦想花卉主题私家花园设计 这个位于海莱姆市的私家花园是一个特点鲜明的主题花园。前花园强调其蓝色花卉的排列,并采用几抹红色作为点缀。一年当中,只有冬季除外,整个花园都会披上悠悠蓝色的魅影。春天,蓝色和紫色的郁金香,葱属球根,鸢尾属花卉争相开放;夏天,天竺葵,马鞭草属植物和薰衣草悠然绽放,设计加入了几抹红色的罂粟,使蓝色的基调跃动起来;到了秋季,燕草属植物,茴香,还有薰衣草惬意登场,这一季,设计选用亮橙色的旱金莲属植物强调蓝色基调的设计理念。 为了对每一块场地,都有一种理想的用途;对每一种用途,都有一块理想的场地,设计把后花园分成了几个部分,分别有美丽的木栅栏,旗形石的铺装及几个种植的区域。铺装材质统一,无论是较窄的园路,还是开阔的台地,全部采用旗形石。蓝色的栅栏采用不同尺寸的垂直木制板条。种植区域体现了植物的多样性。设计采用白色和浅 粉色开花植物(如:八仙花属,银莲花)与观叶植物交替种植(观叶植物有玉簪属植物,竹类,蕨类植物,八角金盘等),其设计效果是要把这里变成一个真正的城市绿洲。 This private garden in Haarlem features a front garden with an array of blue flowers, dotted with a few red highlights. Except in winter they cloak the garden in blue throughout the year: blue and purple tulips, allium bulbs and irises in spring; geraniums, verbenas and lavender in summer; larkspur, fennel and lavender in the fall. In summer the blue hues are enlivened by a handful of red poppies, in fall by bright-orange nasturtium. The back garden consist of a beautiful wooden fence, flagstone paving and several plant areas. The flagstones form both narrow paths and wider surfaces including a terrace. The blue fence consists of vertical wooden slats of varying size. White and soft pink flowering plants such as hydrangea, gaura and anemone alternate with foliage plants such as bamboo, hosta, ferns, fatsia and acanthus. The result is a true urban oasis. |
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