最美花园-迪拜奇迹花园Dubai Miracle Garden设计众所周知迪拜是一个在沙漠上建造的钢筋混泥土结构城市,迪拜奇迹花园是在这样的一个城市中诞生群花绽放,迪拜奇迹花园Miracle Garden的外墙是一周装饰着朵朵鲜花的围 ...
众所周知迪拜是一个在沙漠上建造的钢筋混泥土结构城市,迪拜奇迹花园是在这样的一个城市中诞生群花绽放,迪拜奇迹花园Miracle Garden的外墙是一周装饰着朵朵鲜花的围墙, 这座奇迹花园动用了4500万余株各式花朵点缀着草地和长廊,园内一座一千米布满繁花的长廊 创造了世界吉尼斯纪录。一位园艺人员称,奇迹花园每个季节都会展现不同的风格,因为每一季,花园都会有不同的主题。他说:“我们希望游客们也能意识到,通过充分合理利用水资源,采取滴流灌溉,沙漠也可能变为绿洲。”在欧洲,冬季万物凋零,春夏百花复苏。我们则完全相反。在沙漠中,冬季是户外花朵盛开的最佳时机。好似这世间万物的运行一样。” 迪拜奇迹花园被称为世界上最美的花园。迪拜奇迹花园的建造耗费了4500万株鲜花,是现在世界最大的花园。目光所及,色彩缤纷,其明艳的花朵装饰着一周长长的围墙以及长达4千米的蹊径,在日光下灿烂生辉。园内4500万株鲜花分为各种不同的主题,不少花种更是第一次出现在中东地区种植。 Deserts are typically thought of to be a dry wasteland where only the strongest and most genetically gifted animals and plants can survive. This is due to the natural lack of water that is found within deserts. Most deserts in the world receive very erratic rainfall that can range from intense to a slight drizzle. Since most of the earth within a desert does not absorb water well, most of it collects in small lakes or puddles. However the Miracle garden dubai is able to maintain its flowers and beautiful look year round. The Dubai garden miracle showcases a wide variety of different flowers that are arranged in different shapes. The blooms of these flowers have been fashioned to look like hearts, stars, igloos, pyramids and other figures. The floral patterns will change with the season, so any returning visitors will get a brand new experience. Dubailand intends to attract close to a million visitors every years with the majority of them coming to see the dubai flower garden. The garden is currently open from 10 am to 10 pm and stands as a testament to Dubai ingenuity. |
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