二十平米宅间花园庭院园林景观设计——平面图当城市的人们在为获得一套栖身的混凝土盒子拼命奔波时,五位设计师却通过一次租房偶然获得了一块实实在在的土地。他们将这个仅有20㎡的花园通过农作物进行了诠释和整合, ...
当城市的人们在为获得一套栖身的混凝土盒子拼命奔波时,五位设计师却通过一次租房偶然获得了一块实实在在的土地。他们将这个仅有20 ㎡的花园通过农作物进行了诠释和整合,使花园成为设计师与城市的对话媒介,产生了积极的效应。在寸土寸金的北京中关村,这一近乎荒诞的景观实验却顺理成章的在各种巧合与配合下奇妙发生。 五位设计师来自不同地方,有不同的专业背景。花园使原本没有交集的五位设计师有了一个交流参与的空间,闲暇时讨论花园的修整,一起耕种和收获,成了五位设计师的一大乐事。 社区中产权所有者对待花园的态度通常是将花园大兴土木改建做房间,或是四面封闭变成独院,或是遍植蔬菜降低生活成本。五位设计师是无房、无车,无存款的典型北漂租房客。在这块仅在租期内属于他们的花园里,小麦、油菜花和南瓜、葫芦这些极为简单和廉价的农作物,让这些似乎并不“实在”的植物在这昂贵的土地上生长。这一反常态的做法在社区里产生了有趣的反应。花园时常吸引社区中的退休老人来此聊天,谈论这一另类的景致。五位设计师在打理花园时也频频有路人邻居驻足攀谈,花园使社区原本冷漠的邻里关系、产权所有者对城市外来者的疏远与抵触得到缓解,提供了沟通和交流的可能性,成为设计师与城市、居民交流沟通的介质。居民、设计师、花园三者互相联系彼此交融。 正如花园诞生的偶然一样,各种的不确定也终将结束花园的生命,但花园不仅改变了五位设计师的北京生活,更重要的意义在于花园对环境和生活其中的人产生了积极的影响和改变,这或许远比动辄数万亩的壮丽蓝图来的更实在。 二十平米宅间花园庭院园林景观设计——实景 While other people in this city run around day and night earning their living just to obtain a concrete box for living in, five designers rent a real piece of land by chance. They designed this only 20 ㎡ garden, in which the garden became a positive media between designers and the city, through the interpretation of crops. By coincidence and some other cooperation, this experiment occurred in ZHONGGUANCUN, Beijing amazingly, which is almost impossible and absurd because of the extremely high housing price. The garden provides a communicating room for the five designers with different professional backgrounds and hometown. Discussing about the gardening, along with planting and harvest, have become an amusement of the designers in spare time. Local owners of garden like this in the community usually have traditional attitude of it should usually be constructed into a room, or somewhere surrounded by walls, or a tiny field in which planted vegetables for saving cost. Five designers are typical “drifters in Beijing”. (That means someone who has no room, no car, and no deposits). Wheat, rapes, pumpkins and gourd suchlike cheap and vitality crops were designed to be here in this small garden which only belongs to the five designers in tenancy. The strange idea arouses other owners’ curiosity because usually they wouldn’t cultivate these crops in this esthetic way. Retirees are attracted into the garden chatting about its different type of scenery among other gardens in the community. People greet while five designers are taking care of the garden. The garden supplies chances of communication and also warms the sometimes cold neighborhood so that relationship between local owners and city drifters has been in remission. The garden became a media among the big city, local residents and the five designers. The relationships among the three benefits and connect more close with each other. As the garden was born by chance, some other uncertainties may eventually terminate its life, the garden not only changed the life of the five designers, but also affects the environment and people living in, which probably can be far more concrete than the ambitious blueprint. |
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