2015-7-15 15:51
由湖南省衡阳市主持,规划面积达17平方公里的来雁新城和滨江新区新建项目,最终由丹麦Adept建筑公司获得规划组竞赛冠军。其景观规划提案“水绿环城”,通过多样的主题环将不同的新区域环环相扣,创造迷人风景园林环 ...
由湖南省衡阳市主持,规划面积达17平方公里的来雁新城和滨江新区新建项目,最终由丹麦Adept建筑公司获得规划组竞赛冠军。其景观规划提案“水绿环城”,通过多样的主题环将不同的新区域环环相扣,创造迷人风景园林环。其他参赛公司阵容鼎盛,包括澳大利亚的Hassell建筑公司,法国Aube建筑公司,广东省城乡规划设计研究院和广州市科城建筑设计有限公司。 衡阳是一个历史悠久的文化名城,诸如宝塔、图书馆、书院等文物古迹星罗棋布,坐拥山体、湿地、河流等完好保留的自然景观。随着新城的孕育,衡阳如何将传统、历史和文化保留的同时,用新的技术整合提升城市形象,为衡阳构建一个生机勃勃的未来? 来雁新城的规划设计需要跳出原有的城市框架,遵循于8个设计原理: 可持续交通设计,紧凑的城市肌理,文化保留和传承,发展新型社区,相容紧密的都市生活,自然景观的促进融合,绿色生态水网系统和周边环境的相互联系,这些都是为衡阳营造一个更好未来的城市发展战略,本地居民也体验丰富多元的城市生活。 “水绿环城”的理念是由衡阳市政当局提出, 通过丹麦Adept建筑提供的优合整改可持续性方案将理念更好地延伸,试图去将衡阳的独特个性、自然景观和历史文化联系在一起,营造一个崭新的、未来的城市意象。评委团都是来自国内最负盛名的大学和机构,他们将投票给了丹麦Adept建筑公司,衡阳市市长也强调了这片新区域的未来发展前景重要性,立面于商业,文化,观光和休闲。 这8个设计原理整合起来引申一个更广阔的概念,“水绿环城”根据衡阳得天独厚的条件,将自然,水体,历史和文化有机结合起来形成“绿意之环”,让游客领略独特的衡阳美景之余,也为当地居民创造一个多样化的城市居住空间。每个不同的“环”,将聚焦不同特定区域的资源和主题。文化、旧城居住、体育、新城居住、副中心及其居住、水岸住区和产业公园、山地社区、铁路、生态住区、度假区、体育公园都是不同的环,试图去联系并解决基地内的问题。例如,“文化环”连接了最重要的文化建筑、宝塔、图书馆和风情酒吧街,并注入更多的活动和活力。“体育环”充分利用了自然的河道条件,创设了一系列适宜开展体育活动的怡人场所,同时提供了一条通向宝塔的景观轴线。“副中心环”,基于BRT的规划,营造出崭新的工作和生活动线,连接水体绿廊、宾馆和写字楼,整合工作、休闲、购物等多样一体化的功能。 每个“主题环”独立运行,组合在一起形成更大的城市“绿意环网”将城市的各个部分连接在一起,供本地居民和外地游客共享。行人和自行车也可轻松地穿梭于城市的各个区域之间。 Aidi Su (Adept中国区合伙人):“和中国其他城市相比,衡阳的文化和自然资源都保存得相当完好,这也为我们建立一个与别不同的城市提供一个良好的机会。“ Martin Laursen (Adept 丹麦总部合伙人):“当我们漫步在衡阳,体验这个区域紧密相连的内部价值体系时,我们有信心通过方案保留历史文化和原本居住结构,创建一个新衡阳,传承过去,立足现在,放眼未来。” Using a sustainable approach to planning cities, we have set up 8 principles to guide the design of the city. Designing sustainable transportation, creating a denser urban network, maintaining cultural heritage, developing new and existing communities, implementing a denser urban life, preserving and enhancing the natural landscape, creating new ecological system using existing water networks, and connecting to surrounding neighborhoods. The urban principles are about creating a living strategy for development that could create a better future for Hengyang and the inhabitants of the city. up 8 principles to guide the design of the city. Designing sustainable transportation, creating a denser urban network, maintaining cultural heritage, developing new and existing communities, implementing a denser urban life, preserving and enhancing the natural landscape, creating new ecological system using existing water networks, and connecting to surrounding neighborhoods. The urban principles are about creating a living strategy for development that could create a better future for Hengyang and the inhabitants of the city. Combining the strategies of the 8 principles into a bigger concept, ‘Green Loops City’ attempts to link Hengyang’s unique characteristics, the landscape, the water, history, and culture, by creating important public spaces that are linked together. The green loops allow visitors to tour the special places in Hengyang while creating a more diverse city for locals to live. Each individual loop focus on a particular theme relating to the advantages of each area, for example a Culture, a Sports and a Sub-Cbd loop. The Culture loop attempts to connect the most important cultural buildings, pagoda, library, along with new bar street, restaurant street, to make a better connection, and bring more activity to the area. The Sports loop takes advantage of the natural river conditions in the area to create more enjoyable natural area to do sports, while also forming an important axis with the pagoda building. The Sub-Cbd loop creates a new way of working in the city, combining water canals, restaurants, shopping all in a convenient location with the new BRT route. While each of the loops work individually, together the loops can form a larger green network – ‘Green Loops City’ -that can connect all the different parts of the city allowing visitors and locals to use. Connected together, pedestrians, and bicyclist can easily traverse through the city to visit each area. Aidi Su from ADEPT says: “Much of Hengyang’s cultural and natural resources are still very much intact when compared to other Chinese cities facing rapid urban development. This is an incredible opportunity for us to make a difference in Chinese cities.” Martin Laursen from ADEPT adds: “When walking around and experiencing this area you meet the fantastic inherent values and qualities that already exist here, and I believe that we by our approach preserving both cultural and historical structures and already built residential communities can create a new part of Hengyang that base the future on the history integrating modern lifestyle with cultural traditions.” |