2015-9-22 10:07
四川泸州两江滨水滨江城市节点规划设计泸州是一座长江之滨的美丽城市,土地肥沃,物产富庶,滔滔江水润泽千年古城。自古以来,泸州在中国酿酒业和物流业中扮演着极其重要的作用。绿色彩虹滨江公园犹如一条舞动的丝带 ...
四川泸州两江滨水滨江城市节点规划设计 泸州是一座长江之滨的美丽城市,土地肥沃,物产富庶,滔滔江水润泽千年古城。自古以来,泸州在中国酿酒业和物流业中扮演着极其重要的作用。 绿色彩虹滨江公园犹如一条舞动的丝带将泸州与长江编织起来。四川泸州两江所在地山水环绕,水城交融,这一独特的地理位置为场地提供了绝佳的机会创造彩虹般美轮美奂的场景。彩虹色彩绚丽,五彩缤纷,这一灵感不仅体现在滨江公园的规划设计平面形态上,同时,场地的景观功能构成也将生态发展,文化传扬,用户体验和公众互动等多重因素考虑其中。因此公园景观规划设计中包含了生态湿地,传统庭院,娱乐设施及大气亲和的公园入口等丰富的景观节点设计。绿色彩虹滨江公园的最终设计理念在于打造生动鲜活的城市滨水空间,让当地人民亲身体验到气势磅礴的长江景色以及泸州源远绵长的地方文化。 Located along side the Yangtze River, the town of Luzhou has been blessed with abundant resources from the tumbling water and fertile land. The city has been playing an important role in the Chinese wine and logistics industry throughout history. The Green Rainbow Waterfront Park is a ribbon shaped space that intertwines the town of Luzhou with the Yangtze River. A rainbow appears on very rare occasions with strict conditions. Likewise, the site is full of opportunities for brilliant expressions owing to its unique location in between two precious elements. As a rainbow offers a full spectrum of colors, the design takes in consideration of many important issues such as sustainability, cultural celebration, user comfort and public engagement. As a result, programs such as wetland areas, traditional style gardens, recreational facilities and park entrances located at each circulation node are realized in the project. The ultimate goal of the design is to enhance public experience with the great Yangtze scenery and to create a lively city space that celebrates the rich and longstanding local culture. 设计范围 : 景观规划 建设单位 : 泸州市住房和城乡规划建设局 设计面积 : 18公顷 项目性质 : 城市公园 设计单位 : blvd |