2015-6-9 14:22
在 沈阳城市规划馆室外景观环境规划设计中,沈阳故宫的历史地图被用作广场的基础图案,站在建筑高层可以俯瞰整个图案。地图的细节由两种不同颜色的天然石和穿过绿色空间的步道表现出来。规划馆广场上两条最重要的轴 ...
在 沈阳城市规划馆室外景观环境规划设计中,沈阳故宫的历史地图被用作广场的基础图案,站在建筑高层可以俯瞰整个图案。地图的细节由两种不同颜色的天然石和穿过绿色空间的步道表现出来。规划馆广场上两条最重要的轴线清晰可见:一个横穿东西的水塘比喻银带;一个贯穿南北的玻璃廊道代表金廊。 规划馆建筑周围有四个风格迥异的花园,每个都有不同的植被选择(但红色为所有植被的主色调)。所有的花园被铺装上的历史地图贯穿。西南侧的花园为红绿色交叉的整形绿篱;东北侧有一个下沉广场、瀑布和植物景观墙;西北侧为功能区域,包括运动场和停车场;东南为入口广场并有一个大型雕塑,狭长的红色木制坐椅为花园创造了私密空间 在新的发展环境下,沈阳城市规划馆展示了沈阳在城市规划史上又迈出了新的一步;建筑周围的景观也用一种新的方式表达了城市的规划。铺装采用两种灰色的天然石材作为基础图案,并以绿色环境中的步道作为构架背景,使规划馆高层沈阳的历史地图清晰可辨. 在这个新的沈阳城市规划中,两条城市的主线--银带与金廊通过水塘,玻璃建筑清晰表现。 公园设计分为4个不同的区域,每一个区域设定了一种特有的氛围,并配有属于自己特点的树种选择,尽管这样,整个区域诠释的却是一种共同的语言。红色作为植物设计的主色调在一年中绽现。西南侧为红绿色交叉的整形绿篱;建筑的东北侧为一个下沉广场,台地及瀑布,绿化景观墙的设计。 区域的西北侧为功能区域,特色栅栏作为框架形成了停车场及运动场地.在三个花园内,由狭长的红色木制坐椅创造的私密空间为公园增添了一份静泌的色彩 The urban planning building represents a new step in the history of urban planning in Shenyang as a new development; the landscape which belongs to the building is also a new way to show the representation of urban planning. From the higher floors of the building the historical map of the city is recognizable, which is formed by a basic pattern of two gray tone of natural stone in the pavement and the paths structure in the green environment. In this new the city plan, the two main line of the city: the silver belt and the golden axis. Are clearly recognizable. These two elements are represented by the water pond in west-east orientation and the glass hall in north-south orientation. The garden consists out of four different areas, each area has its own atmosphere, with its own tree species but has a common language. All trees have a red colour during the seasons. On the south-west side, the garden has trimmed hedges with different colours of green and red. On the north-east side of the building there is a sunken plaza which forms a terrace with a waterfall and green walls. The north-west side of the area is the functional area with parking lots and the sports fields which are framed with special fences. In three garden areas, intimate spaces are created with long red wooden benches. |